Technologies of Text

The Pigeon Post – Wings of History

What is a Pigeon Post?

Guy holding pigeon with care

Cryptic Looking Image that has pigeons in it


2 guys messing around with pigeons

The Transition

Pigeons with a radio on its back

Pigeon Messages
Pigeon Training
  1. You manually take the pigeon to the destination
  2. Feed the pigeon at the second location
  3. The pigeon will return home after feeding
  4. Repeat till migrates on its own
  5. Time for message?: Remove food from home base

6 Menacing Pigeons

The Forgotten Kings

Pigeon Smuggling

  1. Pigeons were heavily used during the two world wars. In the second world war, over 250,000 pigeons were used throughout the world for communication.
  2. Pigeons can fly at average speeds of up to 77.6 mph, with the highest ever recorded at 92.5 mph.
  3. Pigeons can fly for around 600 ~ 700 miles per day.
  4. There are speculations around the possibility that the use of carrier pigeons dates all the way back to ancient Egypt (3000 BCE). Tablets have been found displaying the “training” of pigeons. However, it is not conclusive enough to use as evidence.
  5. Pigeons, along with many other birds, need to constantly realize their droppings… Pigeons need to go every 15 ~ 20 mins.
  6. Another particularly interesting use of pigeons during the world wars, was their use for photography. They had cameras hooked up to pigeons that would then take pictures of the land.
