Technologies of Text

The Gutenberg Printing Press

  • Mass production of books
  • Increasing literacy rates
  • The start of the Enlightenment era

An image of Issac Newton studying optics and the cosmos.
The Scientific Revolution
  1. Words were formed from moveable pieces
  2. Moveable pieces was placed on a lower plate
  3. Ink was applied to the moveable pieces
  4. A sheet were placed on top
  5. Pressure was applied to join the upper and lower plates
An image which shows the moving type that is used to print the words.
The moveable type is a key component used for printing.

This figure shows a famous portrait of Martin Luther King arguing against the Catholic church with his ideas spreading due to the printing press.
The Reformation.
  • The Enlightenment with the revival of ancient Greek and Latin, increasing literacy and scholarship in Europe.
  • The Reformation where reformists such as Martin Luther King waged war against the catholic church by spreading half a million copies of Luther’s ideas.
  • Democratised access to the written word with more laymen having access to books that were previously restricted to the clergy
  1. Woodblock printing (200 CE): Earliest form of printing, carving a design into a block of wood.
  2. Printing press (1436 CE): The first form of printing press developed by Gutenberg, uses moveable type to print text on a page.
  3. Lithography (1790): Uses Limestone and oil to cover stone in solution.
  4. Rotary press (1843): Uses cylinders which rotates the text as it is printed.
  5. Offset printing (1875): Transferring the ink from a plate to a rubber blanket and then to the printing surface.
  6. Modern printing (20th century): There is no contact with the paper as it is being printed with the use of jets and lasers.

This figure shows how printing evolved from the Gutenberg printing press to the modern printer.
The evolution of printing.
This figure shows a couple of old printed books (pre 20th century).
The end result of printed books