Technologies of Text



An exploration of the history of e-readers and its place in the modern world.

Microsoft word and office

Introduction Microsoft Word is a widely used word processing software that has significantly shaped document creation and coll


Beneath the fingertips of virtually every writer, student, and professional lies the “keyboard”, a tool that has revolutio


Overview The exhibit I have chosen for the Media Archive Exhibition is the Slate. The origin of slates usage in education is s

Chalk and Chalkboard: A Simple Tool With Endless Possibilities

History and Evolution of Chalkboard Chalkboards, with their simple yet versatile nature, have been a cornerstone of education


The Different Types of Paper for Printing – Our Complete Guide, n.d, From

Calligraphy Pen

Calligraphy refers to the craftsmanship of writing in an aesthetic and elegant manner that has been used for various purposes

Chalk and Chalkboards

Chalkboards have been used in classrooms for centuries, and the big blackboards that are so familiar to most people today have

Cloud Computing: The Digital Revolution

Cloud Computing: From ARPANET to Modern Day Cloud computing, an innovative paradigm shift that has transformed how we interact

Number 2 Pencils

History of Number 2 Pencils According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “a pencil is an instrument for writing or drawing, c

The Calligraphy Pen

Calligraphy is the art of handwriting. The term ‘calligraphy’ is derived from Greek words for “beauty” (kallos) and

Magnetic Drawing Boards

How Magnetic Drawing Boards Work Delving into the mechanics of the magnetic drawing board reveals a fascinating interaction be


Email is a technology of text that allows us to send electronic mail. It’s a form of communication that’s used wit


The history of highlighters The development of the contemporary highlighter has undergone significant evolution since its ince


“Sometimes the best hiding place is the one that’s in plain sight.” — Stephenie Meyer, The Host In today&#