Technologies of Text



An exploration of the history of e-readers and its place in the modern world.

Islamic PaperMaking

“Mankind has always found ways to record their thoughts over ages. First, they used leaves, silk and clay tablets. After


The Different Types of Paper for Printing – Our Complete Guide, n.d, From

Illuminated Manuscripts

History and Development of Illuminated Manuscripts Illuminated manuscripts serve an unusual yet extraordinary blend of art and

Microsoft Word and Office Suite

Introduction Microsoft Office is a robust platform that was developed in 1988. Today, it is a powerful software due to its fun

Cloud Computing: The Digital Revolution

Cloud Computing: From ARPANET to Modern Day Cloud computing, an innovative paradigm shift that has transformed how we interact

Social Media

“It’s a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people don’t understand that. Social media is more like a teleph

Magnetic Drawing Boards

How Magnetic Drawing Boards Work Delving into the mechanics of the magnetic drawing board reveals a fascinating interaction be

Personal Computers

Beyond the Screen – Overview Personal computers, available for decades, have facilitated widespread interaction with tec

Google Docs

Introduction Launched on March 9, 2006, Google Docs is an online word processor developed by Google (Wikipedia Contributors, 2


Overview and History In a world where the tap of a keyboard key has greater impact than the stroke of a pen, email stands as t