Technologies of Text



Beneath the fingertips of virtually every writer, student, and professional lies the “keyboard”, a tool that has revolutio

Chalk and Chalkboard: A Simple Tool With Endless Possibilities

History and Evolution of Chalkboard Chalkboards, with their simple yet versatile nature, have been a cornerstone of education

The Gutenberg Printing Press

The 15th century was a century of change with the invention of the printing press in 1436 CE by Johaness Gutenberg. The printi


Iconography as text             As far back as civilization takes us, h

Calligraphy Pen

Calligraphy refers to the craftsmanship of writing in an aesthetic and elegant manner that has been used for various purposes

Illuminated Manuscripts

History and Development of Illuminated Manuscripts Illuminated manuscripts serve an unusual yet extraordinary blend of art and

The Typewriter

Typewriting refers to an act or process of using a typewriter by pressing individual keys that produce printed characters


A brief dive into the gateway of language Dictionaries serve as essential reference guides for pronunciation and have played a

Papyrus Scrolls

The papyrus scroll, an ancient text technology, served as one of the earliest platforms for written communication. The method

The Pigeon Post – Wings of History

An Often Overlooked Technological Innovation. Let Us Explore This Technology's History and Discover Some of its Mysteries.

Postage Stamps

What are Postage Stamps? Postage stamps are small stamps placed on letters or packages to indicate that the postal fees have b


Overview One of the earliest forms of texts are hieroglyphs, an ancient Egyptian form of writing that has left scholars and hi

Movable Type

The History of Movable Type Movable type is a printing technology that includes individual letters made of metal that can be a