Technologies of Text

Python Programming Language

Python's features that allow code blocks and indentations to start new functions.
Python’s code blocks and indentation feature.
(How to Master Python: A tutorial, 2020)

Part of a Python script, showing a new code block.
Assigning Variables and loops on Python.
(Mehta, 2020)
The official Python logo.
The famous snake logo representing Python
(Python, n.d.)

Although this started as a hobby with a name based on a British comedy troupe, his project later changed the landscape of programming forever. 

Python code block that shows commenting features and if/else functions.

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” ― Martin Fowler
(Goodreads, n.d.)

Python VS C

In the same way we hit enter to start a new line or paragraph in an essay or a document, a new line signifies the completion of a command in Python, eliminating the need for special characters like semicolons or parentheses seen in languages like C or RStudio. This highly improved the coding style’s consistency, reduced visual clutter, and allowed developers to use fewer lines than other programming languages. 

Python is flexible. It problem-solves syntax issues to run the code up to a “fatal” problematic area, or in other words, will try to resolve errors on its own by implementing a feature called ‘run-time type’ checking rather than the normal ‘compile-time’ checking method used in other languages (Yegulalp, 2023). It is also dynamically typed, meaning one does not need to declare the data type of variables explicitly.
