Technologies of Text


Whenever we encounter a painting, we stand in awe, praising the artist, and appreciating its beauty. However, have we ever paused to consider the driving force behind the masterpiece – the paintbrush? 

It’s common to overlook the critical roles of the tools that actually bring art to life. We tend to underestimate the impact of the paintbrush on the outcome of the paintings, thereby failing to capture its significance in the world of art. Paintbrushes are the fundamental elements of artistic output. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the role of paintbrushes, their unique characteristics, and how they go far beyond just being a simple tool. 

History of Paintbrushes

Unlike our current paintbrushes which are made from different animal hair types, traditional painting tools are made out of palm leaves, wood shavings, sticks, and bones. Previously, artists would have to make use of ingredients like berry juice, blood, dead plants, and roots and mix these with water, saliva, urine, or animal fat to obtain the perfect color palette and consistency of paints that would align with the features of the paintbrush being used. The incorporation of these diverse natural resources would ensure the durability of the products and tools, as they were not always available and easily accessible. 

“How Paintbrushes Are Made,” Insider.

Advancements in Paintbrushes

With the rapid development in technology, scientists have evolved various tools and technologies that mimic the performance of a paintbrush. Amidst these is the development of the “laser paintbrush”. In this article, Marks (2021), explains that the purpose of this new tool is to allow artists to revert or erase any mistakes made during the process. 

Van Gogh’s Starry Night Painting using a laser paintbrush. Image retrieved from Smithsonian magazine

Impact of Advancement

The original Starry Night painting has broken and incomplete strokes which cannot be found in the mimicked version. In the painting produced by the laser paintbrush, each element of the “swirls” is separated by physical lines, hence creating a sense of barrier and resistance, whereas the other example shown by traditional paintbrushes blends all the elements, reflecting unity. The traditional approach results in a more stable, integrated artwork, which exudes a strong sense of connection. It emphasizes the inability of modern technology to replace traditional tools.

Role of Paintbrush: Influencing Interaction with Text

1) Conveying the Mood and Theme

The following pictures from Virtual Art Academy (2021) highlight the role of a paintbrush in conveying the artist’s emotions and energy.

“Fast, vigorous strokes can convey the excitement of moving water or crashing surf. This helps you to create hard edges in your brushwork, to further suggest the exciting emotion in art” (Barry John Raybould, 2021, para. 5)

“Smoothly blended brushstrokes can communicate peaceful and still days, to encapsulate a calmer emotion in art” (Barry John Raybould, 2021, para.9)

These elements are absent in the outputs of modern technology because they simply lack texture. The traditional paintbrush allows artists to build up layers of texture and blend colors offering a degree of artistic expression. Decisions such as the amount of paint needed, and various techniques to achieve different textures require critical attention that is reflective of the artist’s emotions. Additionally, by touching the uneven application of paint, the audience can gain insights into the emotion and energy. For example, touching the “fast vigorous strokes” provides the audience with sensory and tactile engagement coupled with visual aesthetics, thereby enhancing the interaction with the text (painting).

2) Culture and Message

Exploring the role of paintbrushes in culture and tradition can be a good platform to highlight their flexible use and application. This section will focus on Indian art specifically. Most of these art pieces are constructed using simple traditional paintbrushes, which highlights the versatility of these tools. 

The “Rajput”  painting retrieved from the Wings Website uses delicate brushwork to depict the royal life in India (Leverage Edu, 2022). The lack of words, yet the meaningful content illustrated in this painting is reflective of the paintbrush’s capabilities. Using specific colors, tones, strokes, and textures to showcase a royal theme shows the flexibility of these tools and their ability to depict a wide range of poetic narratives

This article presents various other paintings that illustrate the functions of paintbrushes in cultural landscapes and storytelling, ultimately enhancing our interaction with these texts. 


Overall, the importance of a paintbrush lies not only in its ability to create a painting but also in its power to bridge connections between the artist and the audience. A quote to summarize the role of paintbrushes

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures”

Henry Ward Beecher


Lastly, the following video perfectly encapsulates the critical thinking and decisions involved in producing an art piece using a paintbrush, and how that impacts the viewer.

Retrieved from Youtube; Jill Poyerd Fine Art Channel


All About Paint Brushes – Their History. (2020). Unwind and Design Studio.

Barry John Raybould. (2021). How to Convey Emotion in Art. Virtual Art Academy.,more%20serene%20emotion%20in%20art

Leverage Edu. (2022). Traditional Art Forms in India. Wings.

Marks, D.I. (2021). Scientists Use Laser Paintbrush to Craft Mini Versions of van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’. Smithsonian magazine.

Poyerd, J. (2023). Thayer’s Mountain.