Technologies of Text

Microsoft Word and Office Suite


Microsoft Office is a robust platform that was developed in 1988. Today, it is a powerful software due to its fundamental role in computer usage for a wide range of different purposes. Microsoft Office encompasses various applications that are widely utilized in a number of different contexts. The Suite has a dominant role within student organizations in academia, educators in educational institutions, and professionals across various industries which includes but is not limited to research, banking, hospitality, and project-intensive organizations.

Note. Microsoft Office applications and functions (Techximo, 2020)

History of Early Word Processors

When reflecting on Microsoft Office, it is also crucial to look at early forms of word processors to reflect on how far we have reached in the field of text technologies. The invention of printing and movable type was a vital step towards the end of the Middle Ages. The first primary type of manual writing was the typewriter invented by Henry Mill, an English engineer of the early 18th century, followed by electric type–the greatest step from the traditional typewriters towards modern-day word processors led by M. Shultz Company. The first batch of modern-day word processors that evolved during its early stages was IBM’s MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter) and Wang Laboratories’ Wangwriter, facilitating text-editing and document formatting by introducing basic features such as reusable storage medium for typed information. This phase of development has marked the beginning of word processing as it is known today.

Timeline of the evolution of the typewriter to the word processor
Note. Timeline of the evolution of the typewriter to the word processor (On the Origin of the word processor, 2018)

Functions and Uses

Features of Microsoft Word
Note. Features of Microsoft Word (Microsoft Word, n.d.).

Early typewriters were limited in terms of writing practices as typewriters were used to translate ideas instantly to paper through an audible rhythm of keys and type bars, suggesting the absence of the keyboard that we have at present. Typewriters lacked the delete function since there was no capacity to edit while writing as it was a creative process by utilizing ink. It was a challenging task to obtain easy access to word processors because the early systems were large (objects rather than adaptable programs), expensive, and mainly used by business and government bodies. However, with modern word processors and software like Microsoft Word, the writing functions have been revolutionized to a great extent, supporting the delete function, copy, and paste, and including visual aids, as well as formatting tools like charts, indentation, line space, page numbers, and also undo option. This suggests that the 20th century was a significant time for word-processing tools like Microsoft Word due to its capacity in facilitating writing practices. 

Early Competition of Word Processors

Microsoft Word has faced competition from other early word processing programs such as WordPerfect and WordStar. These two programs were prominent with unique features that gave full word processing capabilities to early personal computer users at far less cost than Microsoft Word. Moreover, WordPerfect allowed for precise and predictable control over formatting. Later, Microsoft Word gained recognition by shifting away from its MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) and integrating with the Windows operating system. Consequently, Microsoft Word began to dominate the word processing market share by late 1989.

WordStar; a major early competitor of Microsoft Word
Note. Early WordStar, a major competitor of Microsoft Word (Win World PC, n.d.)

Microsoft Office at Present

Microsoft Office continues to play an important role in contemporary writing and reading practices by offering many tools and features to facilitate and enhance modern-day Suite Office. It is used in documentation creation with features such as formatting, spell checkers, or creative writing styles. Similarly, Microsoft Office is accessible on a wide range of devices, from computers to smartphones and tablets, offering a wide range of software, and catering to the needs of many industries. For instance, Microsoft Excel is used in creating simple to complex data or numerical spreadsheets–an essential tool in banking firms today. Whereas, Microsoft Word is used to assist users in creating text-based documents–vital in education and professional workplaces. 

Note. Evolution of Microsoft Office Word (Intro History, 2023)

Personal Commentary and Conclusion

Reflecting on my personal experience, I use Microsoft Word as a means to assist me with productivity practices rather than creativity or exploration. For instance, I used Word during high school to obtain the foundations of professional writing formats such as APA and MLA. As a university student, I continue relying on Suite Office to assist me with my academic work. A notable example of this is Excel, which is a crucial tool in the School of Business Administration, particularly those dealing with financial statements. Recently, I began using Microsoft Projects in one of my major courses–Project Management (MGT380)– a course centered around project management. Beyond University, I have also extensively used Excel in my internship to report incident reports within the healthcare industry. In conclusion, using Microsoft Office in many different settings helped me appreciate the true value of Microsoft Office as a tool for individuals in their professional and personal lives. 


Intro History. (2023). Microsoft Word Evolution (1983-2023) [Video]. YouTube.

Kunde, B. (1986, December). A brief history of word processing. Stanford University.

Maczka, P. (n.d.). Microsoft Office 365 Suite–Components and data protection. Storware. 

Mendelson, E. (2022, February 2). Corel WordPerfect office review. Pcmag. 

Microsoft Office. (n.d.). Forte.

Microsoft Word. (n.d.). Template.

On the origin of the word processor. (2018, February 26). Product Evolution. 

Techximo. (2020, June 20). All 10 Microsoft Office products explained in 5 minutes [Video]. YouTube. 

The typewriter: An innovation in writing. (2018, January 28). SFO Museum.,corrections%20typed%20over%20in%20ink

Word processors. (n.d.). University of Texas at Dallas.,it%20clearly%20dominated%20the%20market 

Word Star. (n.d.). Win World PC. 

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