Technologies of Text



Text painting on a wall. "Taki 183" is written in the text.

Graffiti-covered benches and tables in a vibrant skateboard park, showcasing urban art and adding a unique touch to the surroundings. The main graffiti painting has the word "risk" written in colorful painting.

Personal Commentary

I have always had a strong interest in art, especially classic forms such as drawing and painting. While I have never tried my hand at graffiti art on buildings or streets, the concept fascinates me.

I admire that people can freely express their thoughts and ideas through graffiti. It represents the major idea of freedom of speech, which is very important to me as a psychology major.

Graffiti, with its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, has a significant impact on those who encounter it. The writing style is important in interpreting the message, with different typefaces and colors evoking different emotions and reactions.

As a psychology major, I understand how important visual inputs are in forming our perspectives and emotions. Graffiti art can create a strong bond between the message and the viewer, making it an art form that speaks to me on both a personal and academic level.

A bubbly graffiti painting of the word "love" on the wall in purple and cyan.

 A powerful mural portraying people standing on a wall, connected through the act of holding hands, representing unity.

Handala emerges as an enduring symbol of defiance in the evolving visual symbolism of Palestinian resistance.  Handala, a 10-year-old boy preserved in time until the occupation ends, was created by Palestinian artist Naji al-Ali in 1975. Handala stands with crossed arms, bare feet, tattered clothes, and hair like a porcupine’s spikes, rejecting incomplete conflict resolutions.

Even after al-Ali’s assassination in 1987, his image remains on murals along the apartheid wall, expressing a steadfast stance against Israeli settler colonialism (Amin, 2019). For Palestinians, seeing this graffiti evokes strong feelings of resilience, representing their perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.

Two women spray painting graffiti on a wall. Some of the words they are painting include, "Peace", "Inspire","Love", "Hope", "Happy".

A colorful drawing with the words "dream but don't sleep" written on it colored pink and blue.
Done by myself.
A colorful drawing with the word "smile" written on it colored pink and black.
Done by myself.


Alshreif, N. (2016). Multimodal writing: The case of graffiti. Arab World English Journal, 7(4), 453–466.

Anastasiya. (n.d.). Graffiti: History, Purpose, Types. JourneyForever.

BLocal , G., & Pope, A. (2021). History of graffiti and street art: The 1980s and the 1990s. STRAAT / Museum for street art and graffiti / Amsterdam.

MasterClass. (2021). A brief history of graffiti: A look at 5 modern graffiti artists – 2023. Shwedoff, Y. (2023). Typography’s impact on graffiti art .