Technologies of Text

Touch Technology

A picture of a person touching a touchscreen
Photo retrieved from ComputerHope

A black and white picture of the first touchscreen invented by E.A. Johnson
Photo retrieved from HistoryComputer
A Photo of Dr. G. Samuel Hurst (on the left) with his invention.
Photo retrieved from PhoneArena

The video perfectly summarizes the differences between the two touchscreen types. (From YouTube)

Image from ResearchGate

Timeline of Touch History

a timeline that shows the brief history of all the relevant dates with the events related to touchscreens
Photo retrieved from ArsTechnica

Implications of Touch

A photo of someone texting on an iPhone
Photo retrieved from MakeUseOF
A photo of someone not being able to text properly on a Nokia Phone
Photo retrieved from Pinterest
Photo retrieved from Radioiowa
Photo retrieved from TakeaLeap


Bhalla, M. R., & Bhalla, A. V. (2010). Comparative study of various touchscreen technologies. International Journal of Computer Applications, 6(8), 12-18.

Ion, F. (2013). From touch displays to the Surface: A brief history of touchscreen technology.

Kaiser, C. (2023). PLATO: How an educational computer system from the ’60s shaped the future. Ars Technica.

Rouse, M. (2017). Touch Screen. Techopedia.

Staff, Maker. io. (2023). The Difference Between Capacitive & Resistive Touch Screens?,durability%20against%20dirt%20and%20water

Wikipedia contributors. (2023). Touchscreen. Wikipedia.

Zola, A. (2022). capacitive touchscreen.; TechTarget.